zondag 10 november 2013

Let the research begin!

 Really funny, me and a HK celebrity and I don't know him, but whatever, yolo! 
 Found this paradise in Tin Shui Wai and it's free. So I think I ll run here each friday night :D

The progression of the Research:
At last, we can start with our research. Today Dane and I went to the faculty on a sunday. After a while Dane left and I was all alone by myself. Well, I finished 6 blocks and now we have to wait for tomorrow for more K files. I'm responsible for the single length technique and I used the mTwo's first , because should something go wrong, we still have some spare mTwo files. 
It's 19.15 now and I m here writing this post. Meanwhile, the whole department is dark and it's really like a horror movie! But hey, I got food!!! Thats all I care :P JK guess Im going for dinner after I finish writing this post.
The materials :D

A J shaped plastic block before torture

 Dane torturing a J shaped plastic block

Doing some serious stuff and no it's not related to food...

Actually I didn't gain any weights after being here for two month of eating all day long. I actually lost 2 kg. Maybe it's because I use my masticatory muscles so extensively that I lost weight :P
Well that's all, speaking of food I'm hungry now and  going to leave. Well, next time more food posts will be posted, cuz there is always more food :P

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