The end of our food adventure in Hong Kong is coming to an end. During these 3 months I have not only tasted the HK style food, but also the culture and the research life. Compared to the Netherlands it is really different. These 3 months felt like a month. Time flies! Well, during these 3 months I have been actively visiting my relatives (really actively) and deepened our bond. Well, that was one of my main goals when I came here. Another goal I have set was eat as much as possible of course and I think I have accomplished this mission very well. I didnt any weights despite all those eating. But the main goal of this elective study was of course to do our research and to have a look at another dental university.
This post will be my final post, since Dane and I will be leaving Hong Kong next december to continue our Toriko-adventure in Korea. Next week, my schedule is already fully booked with family visits.
With this post I would like to thank our kind, awesome, funny and cool supervisors: Dr. Matinlinna and Dr. Tsoi. I am really grateful for helping us with the research. I think all the members of the "Team ACTA Four" really enjoyed your way of teaching. Well, I guess that's the power of the DMS (Dental Material Science). DMS rulez as dr. Matinlinna would say. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to attend the practical sessions, PBL's, theme-based session and the symposium about the fibers. I'm convinced more teachers should learn from your way of teaching as your lectures are funny yet interesting.
I also want to thank all the friends I have met in HK. Thank you for giving us such a great time. Also, I would like to thank all the delicious food, for sacrificing yourself to become our tasty food (since this blog is all about food and research). And last but not least I would like to thank you, our dear followers. Without you guys, we would never have this blog.
Friday 29th nov our goodbye lunch
Two bottles of...Chinese tea :P
Team ACTA Four with Dr. Matinlinna
The Crazy scientist Dr. Tsoi with his crazy ACTA students! :P
Well, that's it for me. Thank you all for following this blog and I hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Well that's impossible, because you didn't taste the food :P
Chu Kan