zaterdag 30 november 2013

The last post (CK)

Dear food loving readers,

The end of our food adventure in Hong Kong is coming to an end. During these 3 months I have not only tasted the HK style food, but also the culture and the research life. Compared to the Netherlands it is really different. These 3 months felt like a month. Time flies! Well, during these 3 months I have been actively visiting my relatives (really actively) and deepened our bond. Well, that was one of my main goals when I came here. Another goal I have set was eat as much as possible of course and I think I have accomplished this mission very well. I didnt any weights despite all those eating. But the main goal of this elective study was of course to do our research and to have a look at another dental university.

This post will be my final post, since Dane and I will be leaving Hong Kong next december to continue our Toriko-adventure in Korea. Next week, my schedule is already fully booked with family visits.

With this post I would like to thank our kind, awesome, funny and cool supervisors: Dr. Matinlinna and Dr. Tsoi. I am really grateful for helping us with the research. I think all the members of the "Team ACTA Four" really enjoyed your way of teaching. Well, I guess that's the power of the DMS (Dental Material Science). DMS rulez as dr. Matinlinna would say. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to attend the practical sessions, PBL's, theme-based session and the symposium about the fibers. I'm convinced more teachers should learn from your way of teaching as your lectures are funny yet interesting. 

I also want to thank all the friends I have met in HK. Thank you for giving us such a great time. Also, I would like to thank all the delicious food, for sacrificing yourself to become our tasty food (since this blog is all about food and research). And last but not least I would like to thank you, our dear followers. Without you guys, we would never have this blog. 

Friday 29th nov our goodbye lunch

Two bottles of...Chinese tea :P

Team ACTA Four with Dr. Matinlinna

The Crazy scientist Dr. Tsoi with his crazy ACTA students! :P

Well, that's it for me. Thank you all for following this blog and I hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Well that's impossible, because you didn't taste the food :P

Chu Kan

zondag 24 november 2013

Le Peak

Last week we have attended and enjoyed the 1st Asian Symposium on Fibres, as Dr. Matinlinna put it. "Fibres rule!". Researchers from several countries, including Japan, Indonesia, Mainlaind China, Thailand and Hong Kong has been presented. Fibre reinforced bridges, bridges with a fibre base, fibre reinforced composites and so on. For us as students it was very interesting, hearing about the current issues in this field. And the current ideas that are being explored. Maybe this is something we could do in the future as well. Who knows. 

Le Symposium banner, with dr. Tsoi and Xiao Jiang (please forgive me if I've mispelled!)

Le Lounge, indian food for lunch

Le Roof Terrace where we had our lunch

Our research period is coming to an end unfortunately. We have made excellent progress since we received our materials. Our first cycle has been concluded. We have instrumented 40 canals (20 each) and examined the files for plastic deformation. After which we put the files in the autoclave at the clinic on the 4th floor. We actually gave it to the head nurse and she put it in, but those are minor details). We have observed some permanent deformation of both the HyFlex CM and the MTwo rotary files. 

Over the next few days we will begin our statistical analysis of the data we have and try to draw some conclusions from them. We'll also try to make some SEM foto's of the used and damaged files. 

Alas, this period coming to an end also means we won't be able to do any fun stuff here anymore (read: eat more yummy food and explore Hong Kong). However, we will cherish the time that we have left here and try to do as much as possible. As for now, here are some things from the last few days.

Holly Brown Ice Cream, tooth melting goodness

Le King George memorial at the Hong Kong Botanical garden

Le Monkey eating something

Le Pond

Le Monkey climbing

Le Sloth with a baby sloth

Le Turtle, turtling around

Le all you can eat hotpot 

Le Gift Bag, received after attending the 1st Asian Fibre Symposium at PPDH. Which was very interesting and educational.

Le Sunset at harbourcity


Le Sunset part 2

Le Peak Galleria

Le Random building on the peak

Le Tram

Le One Piece

Le Doraemon

Le view from the peak

Le overview of the city at night

Le McDonald breakfast

Everything will eventually come to an end and so does our awesome time in Hong Kong, which also means our research. Thus, last week was a really busy week, since our materials arrived late. And so I left the university at 20.00 usually. Luckily I was not alone, since Dane and I were doing research together, otherwise it would be sad, so sad.

Luckily we finished our research almost. We still have to do 3 plastic blocks, since the packaging of Hyflex files contained the wrong files (double). I really enjoyed the past 2,5 month and it really feels like a week or something. I really had no idea that time was flying. Anyway, we did enjoy our time here as you can see in our post since all we did was research and food mainly. Well I didnt gain weight so thats a succes I guess :P. However, these 2,5 months were also very busy 2,5 month for me because I was visiting my relatives all the time and spending quality time with them. Yeah I've a lot of relatives. It was tiring, but very satisfying. These last two weeks are already fully booked for me with family time. After these two weeks we will be leaving HK at december the 6th and our next food-adventure will begin in Korea :D

Le view (Becuz some people likes the Le :P) at night near the dental hospital. 

Note that the following two pictures are reconstruction of how we felt last week! Of course we were tired when taking the photos.
Le tired Chu Kan after a long day

Le tired Dane after a long day

                                  Le dental amalgam practical session with BDS II students

Le my first dental amalgam ever

Le man-made lower jaw which was made by doctor Chu himself! Took half a day or so he said

Le Chu Kan relaxing 
Le Dane drinking Tsingtao


Le Jeffrey and Dane ordering food!

Le Mc Donald breakfast day 1: Dane with his "Not bad" face :P 

Le Mc Donalds breakfast day 2: Happy Chu Kan :D 

According to some random pubmed studies, it seems that McDonalds food is really healthy (Harald :P). In addition, according to Tio et al. (2013) the Mc Donald breakfast is significantly cheaper than in the Netherlands. Thus due to these unique advantages, Tse et al concluded that Mc Donald is tha best... 

Mac Donalds breakfast day 2

Mac Donalds breakfast day 2

Yeah 3 dollar for a nigiri sushi. Ended up with ordering 12 of these :D
A fatty swordsfish nigiri
Ox tongue and salmon nigiri
Yellow tail fish, tuna and mackerel nigiri sushi
A tuna salad and ebiko gunkan
Fatty tuna nigiri
Mango maki

Chu Kan